Monday, January 19, 2009

Best Dirt?!?

Another tried & true TJ Newsletter technique, expressionist watercolour. Image is from Rare Image Rubber Stamps. A friend of mine enjoys being in her garden and she also works in a local greenhouse who, I know for certain, will enjoy getting this card. And seriusly, she knows where the best dirt is. Wish my thumbs are as green as hers :)

Until next time, may mojo live happily in your heart, and may passion bloom in your soul. Be well!


Wendy said...

You always have such fun techniques on your blog! I love scrolling through all the things you've tried and totally love seeing all the beautiful things you've created!

Have a great day!

Lou Sims said...

Love this card and how you have coloured your image. Stunning colour mix.

Natalie said...

Great colours in this card Manna. x

Kim Marie said...

What a neat technique! I can see this being so pretty with a Sarah Kuck if you can get the details in....very beautiful Manna!
Kim Marie


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